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6 Awesome Homemade Face Packs For Glowing Skin

Summer is a time when you should be flaunting your skin and all its healthy glory. But what if, somewhere in the midst of all that fun in the sun, your skin gets dehydrated and ends up looking dull? Don’t worry; we have 6 simple face packs that will give you glowing skin in no time at all!

Cucumber and mint face pack

Cucumber and mint are two of the most powerful cooling agents. They can give you a refreshing feeling in summer, hence they are great ingredients for any homemade face pack. The antioxidant properties in cucumber help to reduce swelling and redness while the menthol helps tighten your pores. Mint is a natural astringent that tightens the skin, making it look supple and firm. This face pack is easy to make as it does not require any cooking or blending skills.

Strawberry face pack

Strawberries are high in vitamin C and also contain vitamin A and B, which are antioxidants. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps protect your skin from free radicals. The antioxidants in strawberries help prevent aging of the skin, reduce dark spots and lighten scars.

You can make this face pack at home with just 3 ingredients: strawberries, chickpea flour and milk. First, mash the strawberries till smooth using a fork or blender then add 1 table spoon chickpea flour to it along with 1 table spoon of milk (preferably cow’s milk). Mix everything well until you get a smooth paste without any lumps. Apply this on your face for 20 minutes before washing off with water

Almond oil, Daru Haldi & Saffron Face Pack

Almond oil is not just a great moisturizer but also has anti-inflammatory properties. It is also known to reduce acne, which makes it an excellent choice for oily skin types. Almond oil has Vitamin E and magnesium contents that stimulate blood circulation in the face, thus helping to cure skin problems such as pimples and rashes.

Saffron is rich in anti-oxidants that help reduce acne, scars and blemishes (especially on the back of your hands) while it brightens your complexion with its golden glow. The saffron face pack also helps remove dead skin cells from your face by gently exfoliating them. It's no wonder why saffron was used by Cleopatra herself!

Daru haldi or turmeric contains curcumin which has anti-inflammatory properties and helps treat inflammation caused due to sun exposure or any other external factor like pollution or dust particles etc. This natural ingredient can be used as an alternative remedy for treating acne breakouts without any side effects unlike most commercial products available today

Papaya face pack

Papaya is a natural and effective skin lightening agent. It contains alpha-hydroxy acids, which help in removing dead skin cells and promote new cell growth. These acids also remove dead skin cells, blackheads and dirt from your pores to make them appear smaller. The papaya contains vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that protects the skin against harmful UV rays of the sun. It also contains vitamin B6, which helps in skin repair and regeneration by moisturizing it naturally instead of using artificial products like creams or gels.

The benefits of using papaya as a face mask include:

  • Removes excess oil on your face by removing dead cells from your pores.

  • Reduces acne scars by exfoliating dead cells from clogged pores so that you can get rid of them easily without any difficulty or pain!

Oatmeal, almond and honey face pack

Oatmeal has anti-inflammatory properties that help in healing skin inflammation. It also acts as a natural exfoliant for your skin. Mix 1 table spoon of oatmeal in 1/4 cup water and make a thick paste. Add some drops of almond oil to this plain oatmeal paste to make it more gentle on the skin or if you wish to use it as a scrub then add some sugar instead of the almond oil.

Almond oil helps in nourishing the skin while honey is known to be great when it comes to nourishing dry & damaged hair & skin. So why not mix up both these ingredients along with some oatmeal powder to create an irresistible face pack?

Sandalwood and rose water face pack

Sandalwood and rose water face pack is one of the best home remedies to get rid of acne, blemishes and dark spots. Sandalwood has anti-inflammatory properties that help in treating pimples and blackheads. It also works as an antiseptic to heal wounds, while rose water helps to tone your skin and reduce its oiliness.

Rose water: Rose water acts as an astringent, which means it tightens the skin pores and reduces redness by shrinking them up. It also balances oil production in our skin by controlling sebum secretions in oily or combination skin types. If you have dry or sensitive skin, avoid using this mask since it might irritate your skin due to its astringent property.

Sandalwood powder: Sandalwood powder is rich in antioxidants; hence it helps prevent damage caused by free radicals present in our environment every day that leads to premature aging signs like wrinkles etc., It also has anti-inflammatory properties which are helpful for healing pimples faster without scarring them further!

Homemade Face Packs For Healthy & Glowing Skin

  • You can make the face pack at home easily. All you need to do is put some honey in a bowl, add 2 tsp of oatmeal powder and 1 tsp of turmeric powder to it and mix well. Make sure that all the ingredients are blended properly before applying it on your skin.

  • The best part about this face pack is that it will not only remove tan from your skin but also give you a golden glow like never before!

  • For best results, leave it on for 15 minutes before washing it off with cold water


Be it a pimple or skin breakouts, your skin is full of blemishes that are not so visible. The summer season has its own way of taking away the glow from your skin and making you look dull. You can do away with these problems by applying homemade face packs which will keep your skin looking radiant and fresh throughout the day.

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